Business English

Qual o erro na frase “He suggested me an interesting book?”

Você sabia que o verbo SUGGEST em inglês tem várias particularidades?

Assim como falamos “Tell me more details.”, “Bring him a nice gift.”, também temos a tendência de falar “Suggest them a great idea.” Mas você sabia que a última frase está errada? O correto é “Suggest to them a great idea.” Aprenda essa e outras particularidades do verbo Suggest:

  1. Suggest + noun:

Can you suggest a good hotel in this area?

He suggested this excellent book about strategy.

Would you like to suggest another alternative?

*Se precisar citar a pessoa que recebe a sugestão, use “to” antes da pessoa:

The lawyer suggested to us an interesting solution.

ou The lawyer suggested an interesting solution to us.

(errado: The lawyer suggested us an interesting…_)

Dessa forma, o erro da frase no título é: suggested me.

A frase correta é: He suggested to me an interesting book. ou He suggested an interesting book to me.

  1. Suggest + (that) + sujeito + verbo conjugado (sem TO):

I suggest that you attend this course, the topics are very important for you.

(errado: I suggest that you to attend this course…).

Due to the demonstration against the government, we suggest you work from home today.

(errado: …we suggest you to work from home today.)

Mary suggested that you send the report now.

(errado: … that you to send the report now.)

*That é opcional.

  1. Suggest + verbo no -ING:

He suggested meeting tomorrow to discuss about this.

(errado: He suggested to meet…)

The board suggested hiring a consultant to work on this problem.

(errado: The board suggested to hire…)

She suggested talking to the customer for his opinion.

(errado: She suggested to talk to the customer…)

  1. Suggest + question word (where, when, what, who, how) + sujeito + verbo:

Can you suggest where I can find this medicine?

They’ve suggested how we can attract great candidates to this position.

Can you suggest what I should do in this situation?

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Leia também: Como Falar Até Em Inglês: UNTIL ou BY? 

Qual Frase Está Certa: Can You Tell Me What Are You Doing? OU Can You Tell Me What You Are Doing? 

10 Falsos Cognatos Mais Cometidos em Inglês Nos Negócios

Ho Mien Mien

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Ho Mien Mien

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