Business English

Enriqueça seu vocabulário de Business English com esses sinônimos

Uma das formas de melhorar sua escrita em inglês é evitar a repetição de palavras, pois isso torna o texto chato e cansativo. Saiba como deixar  sua escrita mais sofisticada usando sinônimos para substituir os termos que você usa habitualmente. Aprenda alguns abaixo:

  1. Start (começar)/ Begin (começar) / Commence (começar – formal):

The office renovation will start next Monday.

The office renovation will begin next Monday.

The office renovation will commence next Monday.

  1. Immediately (imediatamente)/ Right Away (imediatamente)/ Promptly (imediatamente):

Don’t worry, we will address this issue immediately.

Don’t worry, we will address this issue right away.

Don’t worry, we will address this issue promptly.

  1. Postpone (postergar) / Put off (postergar):

They’ve decided to postpone the product launch, as there were some manufacturing problems.

They’ve decided to put off the product launch, as there were some manufacturing problems.

  1. Exceed (superar)/ Overcome (superar):

I assure we will exceed your expectations.

I assure we will overcome your expectations.

  1. About (sobre)/ Regarding (sobre) / Concerning (sobre – formal) / in-with regard to (sobre – formal):

I am writing about your complaint.

I am writing regarding your complaint.

I am writing concerning your complaint.

I am writing in regard to your complaint.

  1. Cancel (cancelar)/ Call off (cancelar):

They had cancelled the meeting due to an emergency.

They had called off the meeting due to an emergency.

  1. Experienced (experiente)/ Seasoned (experiente):

We need an experienced executive for this position.

We need a seasoned executive for this position.

  1. Consider (considerar)/ Keep in mind (considerar) / Bear in Mind (considerar)/ Take into account (considerar):

Consider that the government takes 3 months to analyze the requests.

Keep in mind that the government takes 3 months to analyze the requests.

Bear in mind that the government takes 3 months to analyze the requests.

Take into account that the government takes 3 months to analyze the requests.

  1. Unexpected (inesperado)/ Unforeseen (inesperado):

This product ran out of stock due to an unexpected demand increase.

This product ran out of stock due to an unforeseen demand increase.

  1. Similar (similar)/ Alike (similar)/ Akin (similar):

The offer we received from James is similar to the one we received from Kate.

The offer we received from James and Kate are alike.

The offer we received from James is akin to the one we received from Kate.

Gostou desse artigo? Faça como milhares de executivos e aprenda inglês com a Outliers. Nossos cursos são desenvolvidos especialmente para profissionais que precisam do inglês para continuarem crescendo em suas carreiras.

Baixe aqui o e-book gratuito com sinônimos de business english, termos em inglês comumente usados no trabalho.

Se quiser se aprofundar nesse tema e melhorar sua escrita em inglês, se inscreva no nosso curso online de Business Writing – Escrita Efetiva em Inglês Profissional! Saiba mais em: curso de Business Writing – Escrita Efetiva em Inglês Profissional

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Ho Mien Mien

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Ho Mien Mien

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